Friday, January 10, 2014

Return of the Honey Eye Drop Experiment

So I've decided to post about this again.

I use to have a post called experiment #1 honey eye drops. There were so many comments, and I stopped doing the experiment for a while so I wasn't posting to it.. Anyways! I'm bringing it back!

So lets get down to it!
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What are honey eye drops?

Honey eye drops are just that, honey mixed with water to create eye drops

What are they used for?

Honey eye drops are used to lighten your eye color. But they are also a natural antibacterial that can be used to clean the eye. And even in ancient times honey drops have been used to help with eye infections and dryness.

How are they made?

I make mine by boiling water, then mixing the hot water with honey at a 50/50 ratio.
I then take an empty eye drop container and suck it all up.

What honey should I use?

This is a commonly asked question. From what I've gathered (from mine and others experiences with the honey method) there are a few pretty good honeys to use. You want it to be raw and organic honey. It can be clover honey, but I've also used orange blossom honey for a while. I've also seen people use manuka honey and say it works great.

How often do I put the drops in?

Personally, i try to use the drops in my eyes as much as possible. One the hour, every hour. and if i get a second i do it more than once in an  hour. So we are talking a good 15 times a day. Ive read other peoples experince doing it this way, and it gives you faster results. Some people choose to do it 3 times a day, but expect slower results.

When should i expect results?

Now the honey method is not for those who want quick results. Its also not for those who want to go from dark brown eyes to blue or green eyes. The honey method lightens your eyes extremely slowly going through all the brown stages.. and i mean VERY slowly. For instance, my eyes were dark brown. Ive been doing the honey method on and off for a little over a year now.. my eyes are a nice medium brown. My left eye is also slightly lighter than my right eye and you can see more orangey hues in it. Its very similar to bleaching your brown hair (for those of you who have done this or know what happens to brown hair when you bleach it). So the honey method is best used on brown eyes who want to go to a lighter shade of brown. The lightest ive seen someones eyes go using the honey method (and the person who inspired me to do it) when from dark brown, almost black, to a very very light brown, almost like a hazely amber color. VERY pretty, and very light. In her post she said she used the drops for a year and a half.
I hope to have hazely amber eyes, but for me it will probably take longer because i was so inconsistent at first. Consistency is the key when lightening your eyes with the drops.

This is from my old blog. Before I started using honey drops

These last two are most recent in natural light and lighting from my bathroom. 

Stay tuned for weekly updates!

