Monday, December 31, 2012

How I bleached under my bangs

So yesterday I decided to bleach under my bangs.
Before you decide to bleach any part of your hair there are a few things you need to consider.
- what shade of blonde do I want?
- am I willing to damage my hair?
- will I be able to properly care for it afterwards?
- do I know what I'm doing at all?!
Well for me. I wanted as light as my hair could go in two days. Yes, I've bleached my hair before so I know what to expect as far as damage is concerned & yes I can condition it so its not disgusting.
First things first. Deciding what you are bleaching. For me it was just a small layer under my bangs. I seperate that and pull back all the hair I don't want bleached.
Second. You mix your bleach. This can be tricky for first timers. There are lots of options depending on your hair type and color. If you have extremely dark hair. (Like mine) I recommend a 30 or 40 developer. If its your first time definitely go with the 30. I used a 40 because it works fast and I still had a little red dye in my hair. If your hair is light or medium use a 20 developer. The powders also come with different strengths and undertones. I use the blue powder.
-mix one part powder bleach with one part developer
- apply to sectioned hair.
- wrap sectioned hair in foil and apply heat.
- wait 30-40 mins. (If your hair is lighter or thin only wait 20)
- thoroughly rinse out bleach
Your hair should be yellow or orange. Depending on how dark your hair is. Mine was orange.
Now, because I'm going white.. I bleached it again.. And again.. Yes.. THREE times. And no. My hair didn't fall out. But the second and third time I did use a 20 developer. And I deep conditioned inbetween each bleaching. This is to help prevent terrible damage. I would say don't bleach more than three times.
Anyways. After the third bleaching my hair was pretty yellow, and this is when we use a toner. A toner will balance out any brassy-ness. I used WELLA COLOR CHARM T14. A.k.a Silver Lady. It is a blue based toner.
-mix one part toner with 2 parts 20 developer.
- saturate sectioned hair with it.
- wait 30-40 mins
- rinse out thoroughly.

By then.. My hair was pretty light. Not quite white, but it will be the next time I work on it. It usually takes two sessions. The first session is the hardest though. Stripping your hair!

-invest in a good conditioner. I use an argan oil hydrating mask.
- after your shower apply a little bit of the conditioner to the bleached part and just leave it. Don't rinse it out.
- use a sulfate free shampoo. This will help prevent any more drying out. Sodium laurel sulfate is a detergent that will strip your hair of natural oils
-use a purple conditioner. (A.k.a silver conditioner) this is a conditioner that will help keep your luscious silver locks well.. Silver. It has a purple base in it that also counters brassy-ness.
- leave the purple conditioner in for 5 mins. If you leave it longer will get a purple tint. ( which I actually like.. So I leave it for 15)

Fighting the brassy color is the hardest part about getting white hair. GOODLICK! And I hoped this helped.


  1. Your results turned out really good.
    Wow you are so pretty and your eyes are freaking gorgeous!!!**

  2. Awh thanks. I'll probably be bleaching it one more time in a couple of weeks. I want it to be white as snow.

  3. Next time when your done with bleaching your hair, try a silvershampoo! it will turn the yellow/orange color away! Only cost a little.. like 5 dollar, euro, pounds ..whatever xd hope you will have something on this :) ! if you want a good one just ask me !
